
Age: 32
Race/Clan: Au'ra
Name day: Valoral Kuroheart
Guardian: Rhalgr, The Destroyer
Pronouns: he/him
Home World: Excalibur
Sexuality: straight
Likes: hanging out, coordinating plans, successful in those plans, flirting, walks, dungeon crawling.
Dislikes: short temper, people full of themselves, people backing down out of a promise.
Personality: Vibe

Hello, it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm just a vibing guy who likes to have fun. I am one of the culinarians I take pride in the food I create. I hope you enjoy the cafe and feel free to say hi to me. I always enjoy a lovely conversation.

Twitch channel

I stream on twitch and I enjoy streaming the Rp and other fun games! Feel free to follow me or just vibe and say hi!